Grease problems with ASKOLL pumps??

I have not heard of this issue to be honest. Having said that, the only real Askoll experiences we have are with the Red Dragon pumps that are modified a great deal before getting to us.
IS there any place, in contact with water.. that would need grease?
I am now getting some stories, gerenral he/said that they said , type stuff.. :(
(the best I can tell from all, I have been told)
Maybe,,, someone accidental put grease on shaft bushings - thinking they are bearings!
Seems, people were talking about food grade grease.. same stuff, I used for 30+ years on commercial water pump O'rings!!!
When used on the back bushing , It is supposed to increase scfh by 3-5... :D Now , That is not a bad thing.. :thumbsup: