Great Barrier Reef declared dead

I wasn't able to watch the video. Even with cable Internet, it buffered too much to watch.

I had heard that the GBR was in bad shape, but I didn't know it's end was anywhere near this close.
I've heard different things from different folks on this.

Some say the sky is falling.

A very few say nothing to see here folks, move along...

Then there are the folks I respect most - who say that it's not time to read the reef's obituary, but that it's definitely in Hospice care, and that the chances of its recovery are slim.

In any case, the picture off the north coast of Australia doesn't look like a pretty one from the east coast of the U.S. . . . :sad1:

They sure didnt provide much information but I did see 22% was lost, 85% of which was confined to a 600km area.