Great oct meeting


Active member
As usual GREAT meeting. Thanks to all of you that set it up and to all the great speakers . I enjoyed seeing everyone.
Yes once again a great meeting over 70 items in the auction, loved the costume contest we need to get pics up! Thanks for the frag plug, Acropora (pronounced Acropera?!) parasite presentation and, last but not least our own aquarium Emeril!
Got eagle eyes, green tree coral, and shrooms of various colors. I again plead with whoever has the BIG hermit crab, Put it in the candy basket for a funny suprise for the kids! jking! And NYVP thanks for the lift man i'm so glad i was able to go after all! Nice to see so many people there this time that are on here! Shout out to speckled grouper and ek9vboi ! I'm keepin an eye on grouper that girl brought her list man o man! lol
damn these tuesday classes!! oh well the semester will be over before I know it and will go to the meetings again. I only have to miss one more meeting
Very good meeting. I brought home Chef Rogger-Emeril's fish food sample and one thing is for sure:

There will be NO vampires within 1 mile of my house tonight:lol2:
I had a great time at my first meeting tonight!! I loved the auction (though I think some zoos I won fell through the cracks as I didn't see them at the end. No worries, the stuff I did get is all acclimated and in the tank and looking great). The speakers were all great!! Everyone is very friendly and I'm looking forward to the next meeting already.
Yes, Indeed another GREAT meeting!!
For all those that went for the first time, it was great to have you there with us, and hopefully we see you all again!

Trigeek, sorry to hear that... hopefully it does not happen again!

Rogger, next time bring a wooden stake.... Although, the Angle of Death is going no where near that school for the rest of the year ;)

Great talks everyone!! And Great costumes!! (I still have white hair paint in my ears O_O ) heh


When are the meetings, where and how much is it to join?
Any other details I should know about the meetings, are greatly appreciated....

I agree. Awesome meeting. I enjoy the food recipe and other speeches more then the extensive algae speech. The algae speech was great and informative, but this stuff strikes home a little better. Learning what can be done to help your tank is always a treat. All around great meeting. I ended up with a large heap of xenia, those pink deaths?, some RPEs and some green palys. Longest auction i've been to yet. Gotta love cheap corals. I also signed up to do the monthly updating on the website. Hopefully Chris will get in touch with me soon. Anyhow, great meeting everyone. I'll get pics up of my frags in a few.
Definately a great meeting. I wish I had captured my Molly Miller so I could have auctioned him off or I could have just given him to ludwigia.

I ended up leaving with a NC12DX I bought from Bawla, and with my last $25 I got some of the Eagle eyes, they are quite BRIGHT in the centers!

Every meeting I dont get to buy as many frags as I want, this time b/c I forgot I told bawla to bring the NC. Next meeting i'm bringing $500 and im getting everything I want! I will be bringing some frags too lol
Its good that we can get together and share our corals and propagate them and not to reap profits. I'd rather get stuff from the auctions than from some stores.
i REALLY enjoyed this one also. Kinda sucks had to run out before the auction started, i didnt want to spend money i dont have!