Green Birdsnest Coral tissue die off


New member
The problem I have is with a birdsnest coral frag I bought about 2 weeks ago. Right after I acclimated it, I put it about mid way in the tank and noticed a white patch on the side with no polyps or skin. Since it was not spreading I assumed the tissue would grow back. The frag did great with lots polyp extension for the first 10 or so days. The color hasn't really been green but other than that it looked fine.

About 4 days ago I started to notice small white areas on the frag in random places like the middle and base. The skin on the frag seemed to just be peeling away leaving only the polyps and white skeleton behind. The polyp extension hasn't been as good as before and some of the them are darker colored and shrunken. I did dose amino acids a few days ago and I also fed reef roids. The frag is currently at the bottom of the tank near the sand. The tissue die off has only gotten worse and seems to spread at night.

I was just wondering if anyone knows what this tissue die off is caused by and if it can be reversed. I did a 20% water change yesterday. Here are some of my parameters.

Nitrates- 0
Phosphates- 0
Calcium- 420
dkh- 9
This is my first SPS but I have some LPS and they're all doing great. In terms of flow, it receives strong flow even at the bottom of the tank because the current from the powerheads bounces of the front glass. Ang ideas on what this is caused by/ how to stop it?