
Hi Guys

My lovely green BTA split about 2 weeks ago and we are looking to remove one of them. Is anyone intrested? He/she is about 4-5in dia when open. In very good health.

I am looking for soft corals for my work tank or $25 for him.

Anyone intrested.

Not sure that is a question someone else here will have to answere. Right now he is under a 150W 15K MH.
I have a kenya tree coral about 3" high, or would be willing to trade you a mother colony of an orange monti cap, its about 9" across. let me know.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6955217#post6955217 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by reefD
he wouldnt last long under pc's. My opinion

In my system I had a bta for 8 months or so living under 260watts of pc. It did fine, ate and even split a couple times. Currently I have a large RBTA under 260w of pc and it looks fine and have had it for a couple months now. I would go for it.....
Sorry for the delay is messages. The little guy went walk-about. But he is back now and happy. So if anyone is still intrested please let me know.
