green button polyps


In Memoriam
I,ve noticed as of late my button polyps that are normaly green with a bit of brown around the outer edge seem to be loosing they,re color ,in the center they seem to be turning white .If anyone knows the reason for this or what I should do to correct this if anything I,d be grateful for the advice.All my water spec,s. are fine,nothing out of the norm. Thanx Dave E
What is your lighting setup? Have you changed bulbs recently?

The first 3 things that come to mind are: lighting, fish/inverts picking on them, or water quality has changed.
I have some button polyps that did the same thing. I assume it is because I added another 65W pc to my aquarium. they are fixed to a rock that cant really be moved so i just left them and they seem fine. a little shorter now.