New member
I have 3 large green monti plates roughly 18" plus wide and have been happy for as long as i have had them over 2 years, frags well and have several smaller frags growing at about 6-8". I have recently seen some white areas like spots in both the display and look down. They are run in series and total about 1350 gallon I noticed the problem recently when a friend pointed it out, but I thought it was where a frag was busted off but now I am seeing it in the upper display and the lower one. He asked if I had monti eating nudi's but I do not see anything. The only change is that about a week ago my anthelia and pom pom melted away along with a pipe organ, could they have released anything? I never dose anything jusst let the reef be as there is 1500 lbs of aragonite and 700lbs of live rock and all is well, about a week ago i decided to dose with a 2 part calcium and may have went a bit strong, (trying to beef things up for a tank tour I had), my bad. anyway i am leaning towards pest as it is not large die offs. any thoughts.