Green Trumpet Coral


New member
Hey guys,

Been awhile since I've been on here. I just started a 20g waterbox a few months ago and I wanted to see if you guys had any ideas on my trumpet.

It's super bright but doesn't seem to be opening very much. Sometimes more than others but overall isn't opening wide at all. Could it be a flow issue? Pretty sure the LFS said they like lower flow, but I don't really have anything pointing directly at it. They also said the green ones just don't open as much so not to worry.

Pictures are attached. My other coral seem to be doing great. Sorry for the trumpet pic. It's so bright it wouldn't focus well.

Calcium 420
Alkalinity 9
Phosphates 0
Nitrates 0

Thanks so much!


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Nitrate and phosphate is to low for corals.
S/b in the 2-3 ppm for nitrate and 0.02-.05 for phosphate.
Corals consume N and P for food.