Greetings to Southern California Reefers, here's my tank

Really clean tank

The transformation from 175 Hamilton (my current lights) scares me! Maybe I need some new fancy lights, sheesh!

Really nice range of corals.
The sump area looks great too.
It's a green BTA, that's what they normally look like. BTAs don't always have bubbles at the tip, they do that under conditions in which no one seem to know. LTAs don't have that kind of coloration normally.

Can anyone ID this anemone ? It was sold to me as a BTA, but it has never had any bubbles or bulbs, the tentacles sometime stretch about 8 inches from the disk and end with glowing orange tips (like fiber optics).

The Tomato took to it in seconds after introduction and has never left it (2 years ago).

It grew fast initially, but has been the same size for most of the last year.

Any ideas what it is?

- MikeT
Huh... I was just given an "infraction" for this post, saying it had inappropriate selling ?

I don't see anything in this posting that shows I was trying to sell anything? Was it the mere mention of using CL in the past that got me into trouble?

What is going on here?

Dear socalmiket,

You have received an infraction at Reef Central Online Community.

Reason: Inappropriate Selling
We have rules here, trying to be sneaky and circumvent them is very much frowned upon. Let's not have a replay of that situation.

This infraction is worth 1 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.

- MikeT