Group buy from Mr.Coral?

I gotta say after seeing the pics that the quality is nowhere near what I saw/received a couple years ago. Looks like these frags were set on their plugs the night before.

I hope they all survive for you guys, good luck!
Yeah, I'm a little disappointed. I placed my order for WYSIWYG a whole week before it shipped, so I assumed the frags in the photos would be healing for at least a week. Instead, everything looks like it was cut the same day as shipping, with no time to heal. One of the heads on the sun coral was cut in two and I'm pretty sure I'll lose that head, and it seems so badly starved that it won't open to eat. There was very little water in any of the bags, and the free zoas came with free bryopsis and cloudy water. I almost tossed them, but I think I'll dip in H2O2 after a week in QT. I dipped everything in Revive so I hope the acros will make it. I ordered on the advice of a friend who had a good experience in the past, but with all the reviews I've seen on MrCoral, I've actually done pretty good so far since everything made it alive. I'm seeing decent polyp extension on the acros with no tissue recession yet. I'm dosing aspartic acid to help them heal. I wouldn't recommend MrCoral to anyone that isn't willing to take some risk. If everything survives then I'll be happy, though.
Mr Corals pics

Mr Corals pics

This is the best picture that I could get. The sps corals don't have their full color but seem to be thriving. I get good movement on my milipora. I'll give them a few more days before I move them off of the sandbed.
What they did to the Favia is simply criminal. The Favia still has good color though.

I have no idea what that lps stick is. It didn't come on a plug. I guess it is my free lps.

I guess the bottom right is my gonipora. I am confident that all of it will survive.

I agree that these are fresh cuts though. I knew something was wrong when they called me on Monday, the day everything was to ship, to notify me of a problem with my order. That means they didn't review the orders until then. There is no way that this place is WYSIWYG. Otherwise they would have pulled our orders the day we placed them.

The two on left row at the bottom are not from Mr Corals. They are transplants in my tank that went bad. Interestingly enough, everytime I break a sps, the smallest piece survives. That is how I know these pieces will survive.


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All of my corals made it besides my green zoas which were absolutely tiny, I mean I had trouble seeing them and would not have ordered a frag so small. Definitely not WYSIWYG. Everything else is doing good my lps and sps are still lacking any colors. The best coral though is my Picasso yuma. It looks as if its been in the tank for weeks its doing great! All in all I would not order from Mr. Coral again due to the fact they are not WYSIWYG.
This is the best picture that I could get. The sps corals don't have their full color but seem to be thriving. I get good movement on my milipora. I'll give them a few more days before I move them off of the sandbed.
What they did to the Favia is simply criminal. The Favia still has good color though.

I have no idea what that lps stick is. It didn't come on a plug. I guess it is my free lps.

I guess the bottom right is my gonipora. I am confident that all of it will survive.

I agree that these are fresh cuts though. I knew something was wrong when they called me on Monday, the day everything was to ship, to notify me of a problem with my order. That means they didn't review the orders until then. There is no way that this place is WYSIWYG. Otherwise they would have pulled our orders the day we placed them.

The two on left row at the bottom are not from Mr Corals. They are transplants in my tank that went bad. Interestingly enough, everytime I break a sps, the smallest piece survives. That is how I know these pieces will survive.

Keep an eye on all those SPS. If you read the reviews about SPS from Mr. Coral you will find that they have very low success rates. Frags tend to look great for a week and then RTN. My acan still looks great. The purple monti has lost all color.
Are all the corals still doing well?

I've been able to force feed my sun coral every night and get each head to eat about 1/2 a mysis shrimp by putting small pieces directly into the open mouth - takes about an hour to do all 4 heads, but it is coming around and opening up a little more each night. Tissue is growing back over the damaged areas and they are less sunken in.

I'm having mixed results on the SPS. I checked for pests, redipped them, and put them in my DT. The Blue Tort is showing some STN, but the Bonsai and the Millepora are doing alright and even showing some good polyp extension. I've been dosing Vitamin C and Aspartic Acid which has worked for me in the past to reverse STN and help fresh frags heal.

Still too soon to say for sure, but I may lose the Blue Tort, and everything else will probably survive (4/5 = 80% survival). My freebie zoas are still in QT due to them being covered in algae but they look healthy.
No doa. I moved my sps up in the tank and things are getting interesting. The colors are coming in although they a different than expected.
Just out of curiosity, why did you guys order from him after the negative post about him? There are lots of reputable online coral vendors..
He is CHEAP Jay!!! I bought a package a while back off the other website, of course I cant link it here but it was amazing.

I got a nice clam, 3 acros, a mili, and a couple other SPS all for $99 shipped. Nothing looked exactly like it should have, a few died shortly after I got them, and all were fresh cut but in the long run it was worth it. My biggest complaint is that he may not be a liar but is absolutely guilty of false advertisement. I bet he does not have too much repeat business like the more reputable companies.
I had already paid. 7 corals for $50.00 bucks? How bad could have been? I won't be ordering from them again though. I am looking forward to buying from Harry's frags though.
Just out of curiosity, why did you guys order from him after the negative post about him? There are lots of reputable online coral vendors..

I ordered prior to the negative post. And it was cheap. And I've had excellent luck with reviving sick/dying corals and was willing to take a risk on it. So far everything in my order is still alive so I have no regrets, though I may not be a repeat customer.