Group Buy on Rod's Onyx Clowns


New member
Wondering if anyone is interested in rod's Onyx clownfish? I've been talking to Rod through email regarding a group order. He gave me a break down on pricing depending on the size of the order. The prices do not include shipping, it will be determined when they are packed and weighed, we will be billed what UPS charges him.

5 Onyx: $50
10 Onyx: $45
15 Onyx: $40
20 Onyx: $35

This is a quote from his email:

"If your looking for a better price break, I could do a group order, but I would
not be hand picking the best fish, I would simply bag the first fishes that
jumped into the net. They would usually develop nicely, but no guarantees. It
would be very difficult for your group to sort out. Some would be very black
with good baring, some would be very black with messed up bars, some wouldnt
have bars, some wouldnt have black.some would be big, some would be small...
they would be all over the scale."

Rod didn't recommend a group order because of this problem. My solution is to create a raffle for the clownfish. As each person picks up their pair/ single they will pick out a number and get the bag that corresponds to it. I will wrap the tank I will be holding the fishes in, with only the number hanging from the bag. No one will see each others pair, unless someone picks up at the same time.

If Rod were to hand select them it would be $50 each clownfish, and he wouldn't be able to give any price break.

I haven't got far enough to ask him how we would handle payment.

I will be notifying him of the thread, so he can answer any questions anyone has.

Let me know how many you would like, and if you prefer the raffle or for him to hand select them. The order would be based on the majority. A cutoff hasn't been set, and shipping date would be determined by the time it takes to fill the order.

Ron: 2 Onyx Raffle
i was SOOO into this buy when we PM'd eachother earlier.. but rod has a sale right now for $50 each and he will hand pick them(sure we have to pay shipping but....)..With this buy we are going to save a max of $30 for a pair and not get the "best " that rod has is a hard buy...

but here is a free bump for you.. would love to see a bunch of so-cal-reefers have these clowns
"Some would be very black with good baring, some would be very black with messed up bars, some wouldnt have bars, some wouldnt have black."

LOL, Rod has a great sales pitch! LOL!

The raffle might not be a good idea, b/c the guys who pick the fish "w/messed up bars, w/o bars or w/o black" won't be too happy. Then we'll see a bunch of unwanted clownfish circulating this forum... :(
I think the thing with his Onyx is even though we might not get some with good barring or enough black, eventually they grow into their colors, but I have heard it takes about 16 months to get their nice colors. They say they are the "ugly ducklings" of clownfish because they aren't born with complete barring and it takes time.
If there isn't enough interest I might end up getting a pair myself at the price he has on the website. More than anything I think we might save the most on shipping, but we wouldn't know until they are weighed. It is to soon to say, but I figure we would save about $45 dollars a pair. If each person pays the $35 for 20 fish, then an addition $15 a fish for shipping, as opposed to paying $50 a fish + $45 shipping. I don't think $45 is what he actually charges, just basing it on what most people charge.

The box he uses for a pair is 9x11x13 weighing 3lbs, shipped from 60115 using UPS overnight by 1030am, he can fit an additional pair in the box, but also has other sizes available based on the size of the order.

Hey Sam,

it's a matter of getting enough interest. How many would you like and would you prefer the raffle?
Id like a pair.

As for the raffle I dont quite understand, im gonna re-read this again.


EDIT: O ok. Yes thats tricky. True that the onyxs we might get might not have the coloration that makes them onyx, if Rod himself doesnt hand pick them.But the odds are low. But Im willing to take the risk and not pay the 50 for each fish, and just take the risk.

Hopefully we get more interest.

I'm in...and cool with the raffle idea but I think if we get 20, that 's not too many where he can't select them. I can see the problem if it gets to about 40 or 50 clowns. Just let me know.

I would like a pair.
I am still down to do the group buy, just trying to catch up with the other one we just finished on ORA clowns, had a couple of sick fish and trying to get things resolved.

Rod is the only one selling tank raised onyx clowns. Some shops usually carry them but they charge a lot of money for them. I saw a pair at Reef Collection a couple of months ago, I think for $180 dollars, I think Frag Farmer also has a pair right now. If you are lucky you can find them, but problem with the wild caught ones is they get brooklynella easily and come in with internal parasites. My first pair I bought from Live Aquaria for $200, but had the male die within a month of receiving it. I didn't know what brooklynella was back then, and didn't properly quarantine and treat it.
So far the count is for three pairs.

Ron: 2 Onyx
Sam: 2 Onyx
Reefguy714: 2 Onyx

I will post a thread on nano-reef, maybe we can get a better response, and combine the order.