Group Buy


Premium Member
NCPARS is looking to do a group buy. I would have it worked out that the items ordered would be picked up at the swap. This would be open to current members only.

What would everyone be interested in?

We have looked into Dr. Fosters and Smith. If we choose DFS it would be a supply order. DFS currently does not offer group buys on live items.

Once I have a idea of what the majority of folks want the BOD will decide on a vendor to do this through with member input. I will post the vendor and requirements for a discount before we go further.

Group Buy Coordinator
Are we only thinking dry goods or are we considering livestock as well? I am looking for a nice pair of onyx or soloman island clowns. There are a few sites that I found that will do group buys, if enough people would be interested.

Just a thought

We could do a live order. We would have to arrange for someone local to accept the delivery Saturday morning.

Group buy for livestock

Group buy for livestock

I'm on board for a group buy of livestock. There are some fish I'm looking for right now.
Carl do you have any ideas of who we could do a livestock group buy with?

If you guys have a preference, now is the time to speak up! :)
I would suggest doing it with vendors who are friends of the club. give them first shot. After all, they have supported the club in some way or another and deserve to get a chance to get some of the business.

Thats what I was thinking Sanjay. We need to support those who support us.

I've never dealt with I know Blue Zoo Aquatics offers some great pricing on their items. Mal gets amazing fish and inverts.

Like I said earlier if we do a group buy it would need to be delivered to someone local the day of the swap. I will be staying in town the night before the swap so I won't be able to have it delivered to me.

Ok guys and gals we can have a live order delivered for the swap. The Fed Ex location is about 5 minutes from the swap.

Now we just have to decide if we want to go with a live order a supply order. With the posts so far we are tied.

Ok since we are tied at three dry and three live it has been suggested that we go with DFS since Kevin is speaking for us.

The dry order through DFS has to equal $500 (before shipping) to recieve 10% off the order total.

How it will work-

For people interested in placing an order send me a PM with what you want to order. I will keep a running tally. When we reach the $500 mark I will contact each person to let them know what their total cost will be with shipping. Payment through Paypal will be required before your order is placed. I will check with Mary and Rick to make sure all payments have been recieved. ORDER AND PAYMENT WILL BE DUE APRIL 4 BY 12pm. The order will be placed and delivery will be at the swap. The Fed Ex pick up center is very close to the swap so it will be held there.
