group order


New member
I am going to order 300 golden (baby turbos) snails and a few other things after the christmas rush, from
If you would like to join in, I will send my order in on the 26th. I have enough for free shipping. Just put your order in here, and we will figure out how you can pay me for it.
Hey Peggy,

I'm in, I'll look over the site and decide what all I want...of course I want more than I can afford thus needing time to think it through.

I'll let you know before you order.
I'll see if I have some leftover Christmas money for a few snails. I was really pleased with the snails I got through them last time ...
I will have about 100 snails left over if some one wants just a few at 30 cents a piece.
check out the lot prices we all might be able to save some money.
  • 1 Green Ricordia $8.00
  • 1 Blue Ricordia $14.00
  • 1 Double Nuclei Orange Ricordia $16.00
  • 1 Blue Zooanthis Starter $18.00
  • 1 Porcelain Crab $6.00
  • 1 Royal Gramma $7.50

$69.50 total....I'll probably grab a few of your extra snails and call it $80 for your time and effort. How and when shall I pay you?

Thank you!
ok looks like a big order!
I have
limitslip...1 green ricordea 8.00
1 doz turbos 10.00
1 double nuclei 16.00 total 34.00

scooter12ga...1 green ricordea 8.00
1 blue ricordea 14.00
1 double nuclei 16.00
1 blue zoa 18.00
1 royal gramma 7.50
1 porc. crab 6.00 total 69.50

myrddraal...1 double nuclei 16.00
1 blue ricordea 14.00
1 blue zoa 18.00
1 red brittle star 12.00
10 golden turbos 3.00 total 63.00
I'll order this Friday for a wednesday delivery if that is ok. I can have it delivered tues ,wed or thurs. I don't want to take anything out of it's bag. I will float them. All togather I figure the order to be about 300.00.
Merry Christmas all