Group purchase


New member
Aiptasia are definitely a common problem in this hobby. We have all fought them at one point or another. Would anybody be willing to go in together to purchase a Majano wand to share amongst ourselves?
wow i didnt know they exsisted or i would have bought one along time ago...i spent enough money in copperbands, peppermint shrimp etc to have gotten two of them!!

Only question is do they melt the aptasia and then it spreads in your tank and pops up in 40 different other areas?
I think it uses electricity or something to kill them. I must say my CBB Cleaned my tank of over 1000's of them in 1 month. I have been aiptasia free for a long while now and hes a nice member of the reef. Tried kalk paste but they just kept coming back multiplying. Also used nudi's with no success I think my fish ate them.
I have always wanted a CBB but I have had a big ole yellow tang for a long time and he's us the king of the tank. Well he was... I took in someone's hippo and naso and now I wouldn't dare add another largish fish. But the tangs are like puppies. It's amazing how much life the two of them added
It completely melts the buggers and they don't come back. Definitely would be worth the $120 if I could scrape it together. I don't have a whole lot of them and they aren't really spreading (knocks wood), but my tank is rebounding nicely and I am paranoid about everything
I have a few in my tank Ive been trying to get rid of. Where do you even buy a wand? Ive only seen them online. Never in s LFS.
Before Paul B patented it, he laid out everything you need and how to make them. I don't know that I'm handy enough to make one
pm please..if you can wait two or so weeks until i make sure i get the 150 of them in my tanka nd they dont come back i will loan it to you to take care of yur problem as well