Growing macro algae in touch tank

Hello I am wanting to set up a touch tank and am wondering if I could grow macro algae or seagrass in it with horseshoe crabs.

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I know nothing about touch tanks. I know something about macro algae and seagrass. Seagrasses need a sand bed 2-8 inches deep, depending on the species. Macros and seagrasses both require lighting as bright as reef lighting. Unlike reef tanks, planted tanks require lots of nutrients, so they have to be fed/dosed. I would imagine a horseshoe crab would tend to uproot seagrasses.

Can you describe your touch tank system? I'd like to know more. It sounds like a great idea! I'd like to help.
By touch tank do you mean like when you go to the aquarium and they have the low walled tanks that they allow you to reach in and "touch" the animals?
I know nothing about touch tanks. I know something about macro algae and seagrass. Seagrasses need a sand bed 2-8 inches deep, depending on the species. Macros and seagrasses both require lighting as bright as reef lighting. Unlike reef tanks, planted tanks require lots of nutrients, so they have to be fed/dosed. I would imagine a horseshoe crab would tend to uproot seagrasses.

Can you describe your touch tank system? I'd like to know more. It sounds like a great idea! I'd like to help.

I was thinking about a 125g a foot deep with mangroves around the sides and macro patches around the mangroves. I was also thinking about getting a California stingray since 125 is their min tank size.

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That sounds very cool! Mangroves and macros occur that way in nature.

Are you considering building a tank that is 1 ft tall and 125 gallons, or are you filling a regular 125 gal with a foot of water?
That sounds very cool! Mangroves and macros occur that way in nature.

Are you considering building a tank that is 1 ft tall and 125 gallons, or are you filling a regular 125 gal with a foot of water?

I will probably have to get it custom but I am thinking about the tank being 1 foot tall and have a lot of surface area. I also probably want it to be acrylic because of the mangrove roots.

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Sounds good! Lots of surface area will be good for a sting ray. Acrylic is good too. Easy to modify and buff out scratches. It insulates better than glass too.
None of this is final. This project may or may not happen unless I can find enough space, time, and money. Even if I don't end up doing this project it may inspire someone else to create a tank like this.

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Sounds interesting!

Before you have the tank built take into consideration intended plant species. 12 inch high tank is only going to leave a few inches of water if you need a deep sand bed and some of the grasses grow tall. If you want to keep tank at 12 inches max then I would consider some of the plants that only require a 4 inch max sand bed and only grow a few inches long.

HTH and good luck