Growing Zoas


New member
I have a pretty good zoa collection in my 30 gall tank. I have a 30 gal sump. My zoas are always open except for at night and im seeing verry little growth over 8 months. Is there something i can do to speed up growth on zoa colonies. I do a 5 gal water change weekly. And ive been adding fuel in once a week.
And also are the polyps extended out during the day or do the heads stay close to the rock? (Your lighting answer will probably answer this one too)
I have the aqualight i think. It has two power compacts and a metal halide. I dont think light is an issue. They are fully extending just not growing out real fast. My friends zoas are growing a lot faster. My water parems are all good and like i said im doing a 5 gal water change every week.
Are you dosing iodine? I have heard zoas benefit from it. I dose my tank twice a week and mine split and grow quickly.
Generally mine close at night as well.....

I had an issue where mine started to shrink and not open as much during the day.

I started dosing a couple drops of Iodide, Strontium, trace, Potasium and about .5ml of Polh's B-balance a day. Now they are doing better than ever......
just not growing out real fast.
Honestly, I dont know of any coral that grows fast. Just be patient and don't mess with them and they will grow. My zoas ussualy close up tonight as well. I also agree with what was stated above. If you dont have a way to test for it dont dose it. Dosing specificly for zoanthids IMO is a waste of time and money anyways. Keep solid parameters and they WILL grow, just dont expect it to happen over night. Also, saying your paremters are good doesnt really help. Numbers would help us help you better
My rate of growth is about 3 new ones every 4 months or so. The only thing I add is a Ca additive that contains trace elements.
My rate of growth is about 3 new ones every 4 months or so.

I have relatively the same rate of growth. And mine didn't start to grow until they had been in the system for a month or two. Just be patient and give it time and it will happen. Some people also suggest spot feeding them but not necessary IMO.
I guess I need to keep track of my zoes, so I can see how many r growing on them.....will make count in am and keep record and drop back in a few weeks and let you all know.....I hope I am getting what you guys r.....