Growth and color mode for SPS?

I'm still learning about acros, but I feel like his information is dated thinking and wrong. What really tipped me off that his thinking was wrong was that he said to drop N and P as absolutely low as possible to encourage coloration in corals.... but we all know that they do need at least a trace amount of N&P to be colorful (By that I don't mean it needs to be a readable amount, but your tank needs enough import of nutrients to help sustain coloration.), and some acros even do better with higher no3.

This also felt like a big advertisement for those products, nothing wrong with using them but it just feels like he's trying to push them. What do I know though. :)
I'm still learning too, I usually just hear about ranges that are acceptable. This was the first time I've seen it as a growth and color range. I thought that was more a supplement thing : potassium, iron, etc.
I'm still learning about acros, but I feel like his information is dated thinking and wrong. What really tipped me off that his thinking was wrong was that he said to drop N and P as absolutely low as possible to encourage coloration in corals.... but we all know that they do need at least a trace amount of N&P to be colorful (By that I don't mean it needs to be a readable amount, but your tank needs enough import of nutrients to help sustain coloration.), and some acros even do better with higher no3.

This also felt like a big advertisement for those products, nothing wrong with using them but it just feels like he's trying to push them. What do I know though. :)

Some what true. You can still have plenty of nitrates and phosphates to meet the needs of your stock while testing 0. Testing 0 only means you do not have an excess. How eve nutrients that low causes problems possibly if they start to need more that what is supplied.

Lower nutrients gives corals better color because the zooxanthellae do not over populate. Left unchecked, corals will actually expel the algae, bleach and likely perish. For this reason alone, nitrate and phosphate must be kept under strict control, without mentioning that phosphate impedes the calcification of coral skeleton.

Some what true. You can still have plenty of nitrates and phosphates to meet the needs of your stock while testing 0. Testing 0 only means you do not have an excess. How eve nutrients that low causes problems possibly if they start to need more that what is supplied.

Lower nutrients gives corals better color because the zooxanthellae do not over populate. Left unchecked, corals will actually expel the algae, bleach and likely perish. For this reason alone, nitrate and phosphate must be kept under strict control, without mentioning that phosphate impedes the calcification of coral skeleton.


Which is exactly what I said,

(By that I don't mean it needs to be a readable amount, but your tank needs enough import of nutrients to help sustain coloration.),
Here is my tank video. In my set up, I keep measurable nutrients slightly elevated (NO3: 2.5-5ppm and PO4: 0.024-0.046 mg/L). There is a lot of fish in my set up that are fed lots. Hence, in my opinion, high nutrient input and output is necessary for good growth and colouration of corals.

I hope this helps.