Guess I'll post the 1st reef related question


Active member
OK, here's reef related question to get some going in the forum.

Bought a superman monti last fall. It seemed to take a bit to kick into growth stage (just about the same length for my wallet to recover too :lol: ) and over the last month or two it's taken off spreading off the rock and onto the flat rock I glued the original frag rock onto. In the pic you can see the original frag rock outline. If I were to knock that original frag rock off would it grow and blend in w/o a funny looking spot in the middle or should I leave it alone and just let it cover the whole big rock and break pieces off of that when it gets that big. Here's the pic:

Roy depends on what it has to cover. Every time I have a piece break off my green monti it looks as if it is melting when it spreads. Then I get branches shooting straight up. I believe the superman monti just spreads and coats everything. It might look like a crater for a while.
let it gorw some more.... then you will probably make back all the cash you spent on it by selling frags!