*Gulp* fraged yumas


New member
My yuma uplifted itself from the rock it was on so i thought it would be the best time to frag. I cut a real small piece with a portion of the foot like in this thread Yikes, here goes nothing!
:worried: :worried: :worried: :worried2:

i also put a rubberband around the yellow yuma to encourage it to split. does it look to tight to you?




Wow that pink is SOOOO beautiful I wish you the absolute bestest of luck!!

I've never tried the rubberband before but it looks right as far as i know.

Where do the two pieces go once its through and through I've been wondering? I have heard if you frag them close enough they grow back into each other

Now the mad scientist in me wonders if you could take 2, slice em in half, and make them half in half mutant monsters (hehe but i'd never do that!)
Is that the one you got for Valentine's Day? If so, it looks like it has changed quite a bit or maybe just stressed out from the choppin'.
nope different one. This one has green around the edges, and the bumps are twice as big

Now the mad scientist in me wonders if you could take 2, slice em in half, and make them half in half mutant monsters (hehe but i'd never do that!)

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I have the same yuma just picked it up i wondering could you give me any advise on what it prefers? ive read low lighting and low flow, in noticed it def needs the low flow and if the flows too high the bubbly tips wont be as bubbly more flatish looking but it is also shaded and about 30 inch from a 250 10k and 165w vho actinics so let me know what you think. and hope eveyrhtign works out let me know i might wanna frag mine someday. and also im wonderign if yours disattched because it was getting too much flow im also read that ricordeas will do that and i myself have had a green and purple florida pop off of the rock
Yeah because it uplifted itself makes me think it doesn't like the spot i put it at (though it was there for months). It started waking, and then uprooted. It wasn't in a high flow spot.
heres some shots (the coloring and focus isn't spot on for the pics depending on where the acintic lights were (if they were over the coral or not) or if there was flash or not, or whitebalance (prob wasn't used). I didn't really care about getting nice shots, just documenting the shape as time goes by

Yellow yuma
Day 2

(this pic I used flash)

Day 6

It managed to move the rubberband; the right side has No mouth in it, but not sure if i should move it over the mouth (prob shouldn't)

Pink/Green yuma
Day 3 mom (it took a poop)

Day 3 frag

Developed a bump

Day 6 mom

Looks alittle bleached in the area that was cut

Day 6 mom

Kinda blurry picture but nothing has changed since day 3

I might do the rubberband method on another pink yuma I have, well see how this goes...
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awesome both the frag and the mama look great they will heal and then you have yourself a nice little baby after about a month or more
your pink yuma that you cut, is it attached to a rock at all? i see that its sitting on some sand but if it was loose, it should blow away because of the flow right? is this yuma in your main tank? if so, and if not, how big is the tank and how much flow do you have in it? thanks!

I'm having problems getting my yuma to reattach to a rock. she has been under some netting for a week now and no luck just yet.
neither the mom nor the child are attached. I have the child in a glass (cant see from the zoom) and the mom is on a plastic dish. It is in a super low flow area so neither are moving around.
Day 12. I took the glass cup it was in out of the tank to get a clear shot. It looks like we have a mouth developing. Mom yuma is fine. Yellow yuma rubberband method was unsuccessful, I still have only one yellow yuma.

You gotta be careful with these, you never know when these pinks will just melt away. I've seen 1 melt within hours to nothing.
day 22 update, child is doing the same. I'll have to take a picture after work today. Progress is stable, but slow. The glass cup in the tank is an eyesore and I'm tired of looking at it.

I agree with that the pink mother yuma is showing alittle bleaching (see day 3) as it expelled zooanthellae after being cut. The whiteness in the pink frag is the foot turning into the mouth/side.
Jimbo's making me nervous. I bought a pink one but my LFS has been holding it for me the last 2 weeks as it looks like its a baby and doesn't have a fully developed mouth yet. I'm giving it more time without stressing it out further by acclimating it to my tank..

going to wait as long as I need but I want this sucker to grow into a healthy heardy shroom not something that will wink out on me one day :(

Mine is like a neon pink color with a little blue background- i like this watermelon thing going on with the shroom in this thread.

Keep us updated if they grow a bit bigger soon its great to see progress!

I didn't mean to scare anyone. I'm hoping to see some success stories here, so I can know hope to prop these things as well. My plan to prop ricordias is to just feed it, give it some love, and hope it drops off babies. :D

Ricordia Yumas are very hardy if you don't start cutting them up. I've had my Yumas for years, no problems at all. But I don't bother them either.