Hair Algae and Zoas


New member
Does anybody have any advice on what to do about hair algae growing on zoas? Whenever I pluck the hair algae, it just grows back thicker... HELP!!!
Check your phosphates and Nitrates. USE GFO and a good skimmer to control them. Is your RO/DI at 0 TDS if you make your own water?
^ +1 to what he said.

Get to the root of the algea problem, and go from there.

Are these zoas on a plug? If so , what kind? Somtimes the plug can be a culprit to algea growth on zoa frags.
My tank was overstocked; I had a powder blue tang and blue hippo in a 40 gallon. My nitrates were at like 40, then when I took them out (the tang police let me go), my nitrates went down to zero in about 2 weeks. Then Hair Algae started growing everywhere. I also got an outbreak of cyano. I think my tang was eating it so it never took over. I got rid of 90% of it but there are still bits and pieces here and there. I just added a skimmer. I just added two turbo snails and three trochus snails. I get my water from raley's and according to my TDS meter, it is anywhere between .003-.006. Will it eventually just die off? Will shortening my photoperiod work?
Oh, phosphates are undetectable according to my api kit. I'm hoping my snails will take care of it, they cleaned up most of my tank.