hair algae help

I wasn't the one in Boston, I was on active duty for my 3 week annual training with the guard. I got back last weekend in July and have been fighting it ever since. I am willing to try gfo again, but don't quite understand the whole low tumble. It seems when I tried it before I had low tumble but the bottom of the gfo wasn't moving just the very top. Can anyone explain proper use of gfo?
How long should it be before the gfo starts to take affect and I notice a change. I know that in this hobby things do take time, however I don't want this issue to get completely out of control! I need to get this issue under control n fast at that!
Algae is starting to thin out. did two 50% water changes in the past week and have been manually removing as much as I can. I recently discovered that the hermits i got at my local beach for my brothers pico just destroy the stuff. Its actually unbelievable. When i put a plagued frag plug in the tank they all swarm in and in an hour or two its spotless. Gonna head back there and get as many as i can
How long should it be before the gfo starts to take affect and I notice a change. I know that in this hobby things do take time, however I don't want this issue to get completely out of control! I need to get this issue under control n fast at that!

The right way is probably to test the water coming out of the gfo reactor. Once it's no longer reading zero or lower than your display tank water. Time to change it. A lot of experienced aquarist will just go off how long it takes for their glass to get "dirty" with algae.
I wasn't the one in Boston, I was on active duty for my 3 week annual training with the guard. I got back last weekend in July and have been fighting it ever since. I am willing to try gfo again, but don't quite understand the whole low tumble. It seems when I tried it before I had low tumble but the bottom of the gfo wasn't moving just the very top. Can anyone explain proper use of gfo?

This should have all the info you need
I've tried bio pellets by two little fishes, dr Tim's pearls, n gfo. I just never had much luck with any of it. What makes it more difficult is that it's a 270 DT, with a 135 sump. I'm also thinking that I need a much larger skimmer as mine is not close to the size in which I need. For lighting I have 3 radions gen 2. It is definitely green hair monster! Everything (multiple sps (dominate spa tank), lps, n softiesis) doing great, except for my tracks!

You really need a good skimmer for bio pellets to be affective. also you may want to consider a recirc bio pellet reactor for a system that large
Well over the weekend I placed new carbon in a reactor along with some GFO in another reactor n waiting to see what happens!
True, but I hear that they are known to nip at SZpS n clam mantles! I'm skeptical about them for this reason. Does anyone have any input?

I've had several lawnmower blennies - one of which, my gf decided, spoke with an irish accent.

both had a 'tude but never an issue with harassing coral -only that (s)he would sit atop the elegance and mock us staring - it was creepy.

recommend the fish, fed selcon and mine developed a hint of some different cool colors.
Any updates on the hair algae issue. Im dealing with the same issue.

Sorry for the long update delay........

After adding "BRS" GFO, along with their ROX Carbon, it seemed to clear up. I mixed both GFO & Carbon together and placed them in "Next Reef" Solid Media Reactor (I added the removed the sponges out of the shorty to accommodate the amount needed for my 270 DT). After a few days I noticed an improvement. After about a week it seemed as if it was almost all gone. I replaced the GFO & Carbon with a new mixed batch and will be replacing it again this weekend. I have absolutely no hair algae in the tank and the water seems to be a little clearer than when first started. I do notice that I still get that green film tinge on the glass. I also purchased a Hannah checker and am using it to test the parameters. When I first got it and placed the GFO & Carbon mix I was getting a reading of 1.8 ppm. When I first changed out the mix I was getting .8 ppm. I changed when I did because I was getting the same reading for 2 consecutive days and thought that maybe the GFO was depleted. When I checked the parameters earlier this week I was getting a reading of .2, tonight I got .4 so I think it will be a change again.

As a side note I did water change as usual 40 gallons weekly utilizing kent marine salt. I dose Red Sea's coral colors a, b, c, and d. Two little fishies C-Balance twice weekly, n brightwell aquatics magnesium (my calcium is roughly 500, and my mag is slightly above 1300, this was to help out with my coral growth as they seem to love it around these levels. It seems as if all my sps has a growth rate of a 1/4" - 1/2" weekly). Not bragging but this is the best I ever had my DT look. I has my 120 gallon for a year before I upgraded (because an unbelievable deal I got) and fought the hair algae for like 9 months and still had it at time of the upgrade. I will also say that the hair algae was also due to the tank cycling that it was somewhat going through from the transfer!
Lots of talk here about clean up crews whih is good, but onsideration needs to be takn with regards to the "cause" of the GHA. a good nutrient exportation plan would help tremendously. yes gfo can be part of it, as good protein skiming and regular waterchages.