Have a few zoas that are growing some hair algae. It is not a tank wide problem, it is only growing on a few plugs. Params seem to be fine with zero nitrates and phosphates. Calc is a bit high at 520 and alk is a little low at 7. CUC consists of astrea snails, peps, and some turbos - no crabs. Any suggestions to rid the hair without harming the zoas? Thanks
Have a few zoas that are growing some hair algae. It is not a tank wide problem, it is only growing on a few plugs. Params seem to be fine with zero nitrates and phosphates. Calc is a bit high at 520 and alk is a little low at 7. CUC consists of astrea snails, peps, and some turbos - no crabs. Any suggestions to rid the hair without harming the zoas? Thanks