Hair algae


New member
Hi all, so my rocks have this green hair algae on, anyone have a good way to get rid of it? My phosphate lvl is 0.03 my nitrate lvl Is 5ppm. Salinity 1.025.
My lights are t5s, 2 blue, 1 white 1 50/50 all 54w. The blues are on from 10am until 7pm the white and 50/50 from 12pm until 4pm.

Livestock is currently

1 kole tang
1 long nose Hawk fish
1 Royal gramma
1 lawnmower blenny

3 nassarius snails
1 boxer shrimp
1 strawberry conch
1 the Mexican turbo snail
6 small red legged hermits

I was hoping the phosphate control would help to kill it off but its still seemingly growing.

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Things for hair algae..
Algae eating snails...
Sea Hares
Reef Flux
Mechanical removal
Hydrogen Peroxide treatment outside of tank

Hair algae is very common and often very stubborn.
Yeah that's not enough crabs. the more you have the cleaner your tank will be. Some people say hermits don't do all that much but I disagree. They helped me with my GHA problem.

As far as snails go, I've had good luck with the Mexican turbo snails for GHA.
I find that the only thing I really see crabs doing is eating snails...
So I would recommend a snail only clean up crew personally..

These are often recommended for Hair Algae..
Turbo Snails
Astrea Snails
Margarita Snails

Many urchins eat it like crazy too and are a good addition to your tank (if your corals are glued down or you don't mind them being moved around)
Lawnmower blenny (but will starve often without algae)

I found that after algae starts to get longer than like 1/2" or so that very little will eat it anymore so you need to get it quick or just accept manual removal processes..
I find that the only thing I really see crabs doing is eating snails...
So I would recommend a snail only clean up crew personally..

These are often recommended for Hair Algae..
Turbo Snails
Astrea Snails
Margarita Snails

Many urchins eat it like crazy too and are a good addition to your tank (if your corals are glued down or you don't mind them being moved around)
Lawnmower blenny (but will starve often without algae)

I found that after algae starts to get longer than like 1/2" or so that very little will eat it anymore so you need to get it quick or just accept manual removal processes..
Grab it and pull it out? Will do during water changes.

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I had a 60 Gallon tank and had bad Hair Algae, the stuff was growing on the rocks, my power heads, the sand and on the return. I upgraded to a 120. Before I transferred everything I ran
Flux RX for a week, the hair algae slowly faded. I scrubbed what was left on the rocks and got rid of my sand and went bare bottom, it's been a month and I have not seen a trace of the Hair Algae come back. I think getting rid of the sand bed was the best thing I ever did.
I find that the only thing I really see crabs doing is eating snails...
So I would recommend a snail only clean up crew personally..

Who wants salad when you can have escargot!

Tank looks young in age to me, provided you keep your N & P as you have them now, it should fade with age.

Replace T5 yearly.