Hairy Mushroom or Carpet Anemone?


New member
Hi guys. I was just in my LFS and they were having a hard time IDing a piece of coral. They were calling around and decided it was a hairy mushroom. However ... to me it looked like a small carpet anemone. There were two of them on a large piece of rock, about 3" in diameter, and they looked like they had a distinct mouth like a carpet anemone.

Anyone have any opinions? I put it on hold, hoping they were carpets.
Put a piece of food on it. Mushrooms close up like a pursestring being pulled.
You should expect a real capret anemone to chow down on it. Some of these species are wicked mean. I was told yesterday of an anemone incident. It was being moved from one tank to another. Guy was wearing rubber gloves. The anemone grabbed one of the glove and stuck to it. The guy tried to pull away but eventually was starting to tear the anemone. So he pulled his hand out of the glove and let the anemone have it.

It tried to eat the glove. Two days later, spit the glove back up.

Yep, some of these are real aggressive eaters. Beautiful though.

I had a related incident. I found a small piece of live rock that had two VERY green hairy mushrooms on it. The listed price was $39. The clerk would not belive me when I told her what it was. She insisted it was a plate coral, priced at $19.99. Eventually I did the honorable thing.

I quit arguing and paid for my plate coral. ;-)

Nice way to save $20.

Gotta love your LFS.

I really really tried to convince her that it was a shroom. Sometimes you just can't convince someone when they think they are right.
Here is a pic of my "plate coral":

Re: Hairy Mushroom or Carpet Anemone?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7310928#post7310928 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by AquaEquestrian
Hi guys. I was just in my LFS and they were having a hard time IDing a piece of coral.
FWIW neither "hairy mushrooms" or anemones are corals.
Both Corallimorpharians and Anemones "close up" on food.
Only an anemone will be very sticky to the touch.
A good picture would likely solve your question very quickly.