Halide/T5 fixture lighting opinions


Premium Member
I need help deciding on a lighting setup for a 74"x48"x30" sps dominated setup. I don't plan on building a canopy for this system, so my original thought was to go with a mh/t5 fixture. The only fixture that I feel that will compliment this system is a 72" 3-400W Giesemann Spectra, but the $$$$.


My other thought was to run three Hamilton 3' Cebu Sun fixtures across the 48" direction.


I can get each of the hamilton fixtures with a single 400W bulb and 4 39WT5's. While the Spectra fixture will no doubt look and perform great, what are some opinions on the Hamilton option at about half the cost.
Wow, beautiful system, but now I'm more confused. That system ironically uses 3 independent Spectras. What are some thoughts on using three independent fixtures as opposed to the one 72" fixture?