Hammer Coral Question??

Mike 1911A1

New member
I have a non-branching hammer coral. I think it's called "wall type" hammer. This might be a dumb question but how does this type of coral grow. With branching I believe they create a new branch but with the wall type, does the wall grow or expand. Any help is appreciated.


It grows out and up, but doesn't branch. The largest colony of wall hammer I have seen was in a special tank designed solely for that coral and was about 4 feet in diameter. Very impressive coral, the store said it was originally softball size and had grown over several years to that amazing size.
OK, the coral I have has a section that looks like bare skeleton that I didn't notice before. When it grows out, does the skeleton grow out and then fill with tenticles?
I wish I had pics of it, but it was at a store in Colorado when I was visiting relatives. You know how it is when you're out of town, have to visit the LFS! Anyway, I didn't have a camera. I believe the name of the store was Neptune's aquatics or Neptune's corals.

And to answer your question Mike, I believe the skeleton should grow with the coral. In other words if you are seeing a new bare spot, it is probably receding.