Hammer Coral receeded and white stuff coming out



I have a Hammer Coral which is receeded and a white stuff is coming out.

The water parameters seems OK:

Salinity: 1.026
PH: 8.4
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 0

I have a 55g sumpless with a Fluval G3.

I went on vacation and the tank stay one month with no water changess.

The corals were all good and now the Hammer isn't good as well as a Green Star Polyp.

Also, I see some cyano forming.

I did a water change when arrived and planning another tomorrow.




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That coral is in need of an iodine dip Also You need to check alk and calcium also.
Also what test kit are you using to test nitrates

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API test...

I'll check Alk and Calcium...

Sending the results ASAP.

Both on API kits.


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The API test kit is notorious for being incorrect.
If you went a month without a water change and don't have a skimmer. I don't think your nitrates are zero

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That's the same thought I had... I shutted down my skimmer during this period, because there were nobody to clean. I have a HOB Aquamaxx and it's taking a TON of slime now!

I also have a super low bioload, with only four small fishes, but I have two nitrate tests and I tested on both and both are reading zero.

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2 mostly deadly thing for lps corals
Alk and nitrates imo.
Check both of them first.
Also can't hurt to do 20 percent Water change
What other kit do you have

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r u using ro water? get rid of the fluval canister. all u need are flow and good water quality.
r u using ro water? get rid of the fluval canister. all u need are flow and good water quality.

Yes. I just find it hard to believe with the canister filter Not cleaning it for a month and you still have no nitrates

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i think he does have a aquamaxx skimmer. a canister filter can cause issue if not clean regularly. the op has enough live rock to do bio-filtration. the canister is really useless in his setup.
Well new studies show the sand is probably doing more biological filtration than the rock. But yes I agree with you. No need for the filter. Just adding work to your cleaning schedule that really isn't don't much benefit to the tank

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All right,

I had no chance to test ALK and Calcium yet, but the coral is showing improvements. It opened a lot more yesterday and it's looking way better now.

I agree on the API tests quality.

What the test you use / recommend?


- BarIzoN -
I use Hanna for alk, Red Sea for nitrate , Milwaukee for phosphates, Red Sea for calcium and magnesium

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Before the filter my water wasn't "polished".

As you know, I don't have a sump, due to space limitation.

I have a 55G "taller" and "thinner" tank from Petco. I might use that tank as sump in a future, but I'm still learning a lot.

I do have an RO/DI filter, and building my fish room in my basement, so it's a long and slow process to me before move to a bigger tank.

I was also skeptical when I bought the filter, with everybody saying that may be a nitrate factory and it worsen than help...

I did a bet on it, just to prepare for this month leave.

Well, anyways, it seems my water improved a lot - I think also because the carbon and I usually was running on nitrates on 20%ish on my API tests.

After installing the filter, my nitrates decreased to 10%, 5% then zero.

I was shocked when I had zero after the month leave. Again, that might be something with my API kits - I had two nitrate tests, so I tried both and ZERO.

I'm looking forward for suggestions on a better kit, but I can tell that I'm happy with the filter and again, super low maintenance for a sumpless tank.
I would by the Red Sea nitrate and test again.
Not saying the API is wrong just saying I don't put much faith into it

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I dont get you guys with the canister filter. I have been using one for years on my tanks with no issues. Water changes and check your water parameters
Diana. I been smoking for 20 years. I don't get you doctors who keep saying smoking causes lung cancer

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Ps us guys never said you can't run a canister filter. Just saying the work isn't worth the trouble.
Kind of like sand I see you went bare bottom. Probably because you didn't think the sand was worth the trouble. But many people have sand in there tank for years

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Oh, also, one thing I remembered here:

My RO/DI water output is giving me TDS of "1".

Is that OK to add this water in the tank?

If not, what specifically should I replace in my RO/DI system?

I do have a 90GPD from Spectrapure. Standard model.

Again, thanks for all your feedback! :)