hang-on refugium question


New member
My nitrates are high and was thinking about getting a hang-on refugium for my 75 gal. FOWLR w/o a sump. I also have regular lighting. What do I need to get? I have no clue about it. Any help would be great.

things I need to know if possible:

1. Is the refugium going to be hanging on the back outside the tank or stuck to the wall inside the tank? Suggestions on certain ones or places to get them online would also be nice.

2. Is there a simple plant that will work w/ my regular bulbs?

Any info would be great thanks!
Hi zing,

Try looking up the CPR AquaFuge. This hang-on refugium hangs off the back of the tank and has a powerhead that circulates water through it. You said that you have regular ligthing, so I assume you mean normal output type fluorescent bulbs. How many bulbs / total watts of light do you have? You will probably need to have a small light fixture (like 13 watts or so) directly over the hang-on refugium. Jalli makes a fixture that can be mounted right onto this brand of 'fuge. You can occationally find one of thise in the used equipment and drygoods selling forum. Chaetomorpha or Caulerpa would be good algae for use with a hang-on refugium. Of the Caulerpas, C. prolifera is my favorite for a algae filter / refugium.

When lighting a HOB refugium, should I put some type of blocking between the main tank and the fuge to prevent light from falling on the main tank?
I had the same question.. I've gotten some cardboard and put between the ref and main tank, this took care the light inside the ref but not the light coming into the tank from the top. So I went to Wal-mart and got a cheap blue bucket, cut out the bottom and made a rectangle piece of blue plastic. I wedged this between the ref and tank at the top and this turned the light and very dim blue inside the tank which I hope is ok for a moon light. Any comments would be great and I think it would be helping fishonadic and myself! Thanks!
I vote for the CPR brand of fuge. Simple.
Check the used equipment form.
The light from the fuge at night shouldn't bother your corals in the main tank at all. I run my fuge lights 24/7 and no harm is done.
Think of it like moon light.
hey all, i've got a 75 gallon rr, with the medium sized cpr fuge hanging off the back of my tank. i'm growing c. prolifera in it, from floridapets. its working great. oh, and i'm using a cheap NO fluorescent light. HTH
i leave the refugium light on 24/7 (its a 15 watt NO fluorescent). also, at night it puts a very soft glow over the tank. doesn't seem to disturb the fish (i don't have any coral yet so i can't help you there)

i'm not sure if you wanted to know about my tank lights (currently they are 64 whopping watts of NO fluorescent on from 10 to 11) don't laugh, i know.......being upgraded next week to 440 watts of VHO with an icecap 660 ballast

i'm running FO right now, soon to start in on some beginner coral. i've only been doing marine for a year and a half, on a students budget