Harlequin Tusk


New member
I'm thinking of upgrading to a 150g tank and love the idea of having an HT in my tank.

I do have some coral in my tank (LPS, softies) and would eventually like a big clam. I also have a damsel, clown, tang, and anthias.

Would the HT bother any of livestock?


It's shouldn't bother any of the fish that you have unless the clown is very small. It will mostly eat any crabs, shrimp or snails that you may place in the tank.
Thanks Marone, i heard the same thing about the snails/shrimp. The clown and anthias are currently 3.5"

The damsel will prob be about 3" when i upgrade and i'll be looking for a small HT.

Do you thnk the damsel would be dinner?
The fish would be safe. Small fish like say a Royal Gramma or Blenny maybe taken but a lot really depends on the size of the Tusk.
I had a tusk live with my gramma and a couple clowns in total peace for over three years, never bothered any fish at all. totally a gentle giant.
Picked up this guy the other day