Has anyone had a large acrylic tank seam leak and repaired?


Premium Member
I heve someone that has offered to GIVE Me a 500 gallon reef ready acrylic tank........BUT....it had a seam come apart and start leaking.I have not seen the tank so I am not sure just how bad it is.Has anyone here had to have one repaired?Oh and it is only 3 months old.The company that built it went belly up so there is no warranty on it.I dont know that I really want a tank quite this large.I would really like a 200-250.Are there any acrylic tank makers that would maybe use the acrylic from the 500 to make me a smaller tank possibly???Maybe I could trade it for a smaller tank who knows.I plan on taking the tank whether it is repairable or not IF He actually givers it to Me.Thanks for any input.
IF an acrylic seam came apart it was most likely because of poor design of the tank (too thin of acrylic or poor bracing), the chances of another failed seam and 500g of water dumped on the floor are VERY likely. but for FREE, thick acrylic isn't cheap so I'd defiantly take the guy up on the offer. it's not that difficult to work with acrylic and build your own tank by cutting that one up, just make sure you design it properly with adequate bracing to prevent the same from happening to you :)
IMO, if a seam just came apart after 3 months, it was probably made with garbage acrylic. If it were any other reason, the acrylic itself would go at stress points, not at the seams. If you go with that notion, what would make you think it could be repaired better than it was when new? I'd prolly pass completely, wouldn't even try to hack it up and make something else from it, maybe a snake tank if you had the need - but that's about it.

Is there any way to inspect the acrylic by someone like Yourself who I assume does this for a living to see if it is of quality?I plan on getting the tank regardless if He actually gives it to Me.I could make some nice sumps or such at least out of it.
I wouldn't use it as a main tank.I would try to repair it and use it as a sump or a holding tank for corals or fish.I would try to brace the tank.If you can repair it and brace it with wood (or something else) you may be able to use it as a sump.I would try to test it first before putting any livestock in it.You can do a wood tank build maybe.Build a wood box around the tank.Fix the leak first.If you can fix the leak and make a solid support all around the tank you can use it as a sump.It will still cost you some money but if you get the tank for free you can do a wood tank build but use your acrylic tank(entire tank) on the inside.You wouldn't need as much of a wood structure but make sure you repair that seem.For what you will spend you can have a large tank.When you think about it its a good deal if its free,
Once the masking paper is off, no good way of telling what material it is unless we take cuttings of it and test. There is no visual way of knowing. Has to be done with chemicals & heat.
Good luck with it.

I have used weldon #3 to put cracked sides in place on a 240 with no problems. If it is a seam try weldon 16 it's more like snot you can run down inside seam! Please just practice on scrapes first!!!!! And yes it is scary idea to have that much water blowing out. You could also brace it w/ square stock
the only thing to think about is that once an acrylic tank has had water in it is that acrylic absorbs alittle water. So glueing the seem back together you may not get a good hold. In my opion I would pass . I know its free but everything has a price. What if you glued it back together and it came back apart in your house . Think of the water damage. Thats just my 2cents worth.
If he used #3 in the seam to fill the crack and held it with bar claps. Then used #16 down the inside edge to bridge the 2. Also I would run 2 strips down the outside edge with a butt joint believe heshould not have any problems ! At the same time if it was me I would run square stock down all vertical seams!
A free 500 gallon is only really free if you don't add anything... I say ditch the tank, it's only a small amount of the overall cost of a 500 SPS system...
If that tank gives out 500 gal is a hell of a lot of water.You can do some damage to your home.I would use the tank as a liner for a wood tank build.Use the tank as a sump or in wall