Have a QT tank idea - need feedback


New member
So, I have a 20 gallon qt tank for fish but nothing for corals and I'm starting to get paranoid over introducing ich or some other disease into display thru rock or coral so I thought maybe I need to get one. The display is still fishless so now is the time to do this.

My idea is in an effort to save space and equipment is to buy a 40 breeder and divide 1/4 of it (10 gallons) into a invert/rock/coral basically anything that's not a fish qt section and the other 30 gallons for fish. I could silicone a custom cut piece of glass in to make it water tight and still use my different meds as needed per side. I could use my kessil a80 over the coral portion while still having enough light spill for fish and observation and use my apex jr to heat each side, I think I'd need another module to control 2 temperature areas but even still the temperature from the 30 gallon side would help keep the 10 gallon portion from needing to be heated as often from the heat transfer thru the glass pane. I would obviously incorporate a filter for each side, right now I'm using a sicce seachem hob 55 for my 20, maybe get another for the coral side since it would double as a powerhead due to the ability to control flow output. My biggest concern is the thin wall at the top, potential splashes or what not so maybe put another piece of glass on top like a "T" on the divider pane and seal that then some screens to keep fish/snails on their own sides? Feasible? How thick of a glass divider if I did this?

Thanks for reading my novel.
Why not get a separate 5 or 10 gallon tank for coral qt and stick with the 20 gallon fish qt. Less water to change and a smaller easier to handle fish qt to clean. I have a turtle in a 40 breeder and it's a lot of tank to clean. Specially something like qt where you might bleach and have to completely air dry. I like the idea of combining the tanks but it seems like more of a hassle than two separate tanks. Just my opinion. Then again. I don't qt coral. Just heavily qt fish.

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Agreed. If you are going to use 2 filters, 2 heaters etc, might as well have 2 tanks. No worry about accidently splashing copper water into your coral tank so on and so forth. Great idea to watch what's coming in!

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Why not get a separate 5 or 10 gallon tank for coral qt and stick with the 20 gallon fish qt. Less water to change and a smaller easier to handle fish qt to clean. I have a turtle in a 40 breeder and it's a lot of tank to clean. Specially something like qt where you might bleach and have to completely air dry. I like the idea of combining the tanks but it seems like more of a hassle than two separate tanks. Just my opinion. Then again. I don't qt coral. Just heavily qt fish.

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How long have you been keeping reefs and have you ever had ich or anything introduced into display from coral or anything like that? Have you stayed fish disease free and for how long?
I started my first reef at 15. That was 15 years ago. I feed live black worms daily. I use ttm for all fish and start all rock from dry rock. Never had an issue with ick. I did have a Bobbitt worm and some fish lice thing from live rock. That was the end of live rock for me. I'm sure I am due to catch something but I think the live black worms keep the immune systems up.

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