Have you ever wondered what is inside a zoanthid, dissecting time with SpaceGhost


New member

I sliced it in half with a razor blade by slicing from the base up and out of the center of the oral disc.

Here you can see a closed polyp, see how it tucks it skirt under and downward. You can also see the cut sphincter muscle on the left and right.

Into the belly:

Can you spot these parts?

Hope you learned something. I always wondered if the darker spots in the stalk observed from the exterior are food, but they appear to be mesentery.

Disclaimer: Will it heal? Maybe? This coral may or may not have been killed for your information and learning. This polyp was aquacultured in my laboratory. If you have a problem with me possibly killing coral, please keep it to yourself. I have aquacultured thousands of corals, greatly offsetting the amount of wild caught corals I have had the privilege of obtaining. The point of this is to learn something. Your efforts would be better spent educating a NEWB, the great killers of corals. The point of this is to learn something. Plus I think it is fun Stab, slice, observe.

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As much as it pains me to see a mohawk be sliced open, I have always wondered what they look like inside. This was a great post, thanks!
does it not look like a bunch of baby zoas inside the big zoa?

I could never do that to my mowhawks, mostly since they are slow growers, but very educational.
Hope you learned something. I always wondered if the darker spots in the stalk observed from the exterior are food, but they appear to be mesentery.

Disclaimer: Will it heal? Maybe? This coral may or may not have been killed for your information and learning. This polyp was aquacultured in my laboratory. If you have a problem with me possibly killing coral, please keep it to yourself. I have aquacultured thousands of corals, greatly offsetting the amount of wild caught corals I have had the privilege of obtaining. The point of this is to learn something. Your efforts would be better spent educating a NEWB, the great killers of corals. The point of this is to learn something. Plus I think it is fun Stab, slice, observe.


Gosh, you more rude than I am. LOL!!!!
I won't tell you what I think about killing corals, because it's yours anyway!
I don't really care!
But I wish the pictures would help us to actually learn something.
Next time please take better pictures!
Thanks for reproducing thousands of corals!

Oops, did not mean to be rude. I guess I was being defensive because my buddy was so against it. I have always enjoyed cutting up coral and gluing it to rocks, you just can't do that with fish. The polyp is still alive today, it might heal. The only problem I have with it is that I am now curious about what the inside of my other corals look like. If it lives, this,might be a practical way to determine what Zoanthids are eating. I want a dissecting microscope so bad.
No worries! That happens very often... LOL!!!
I do a lot of that too! LOL!!
Sometimes people think I meant to be rude, but I didn't mean at all.
That's kinda normal! LOL!
Just one more of the drawbacks in forums like this.

Uuggh! Couldn't you have done this to some random regular looking zoa! Lol love the pictures though, I would have never seen otherwise!