Have your Reef Club join in on the fun!!!


New member
Have your Reef Club join in on the fun!!!

We are hoping to get more reef clubs involved fraging coral and frag swaps. With that in mind, we would like to invite your reef club in our Swap. We are offering one free 4' table to your club. It is a great way to raise some funds and get everybody in your club involved by fraging some coral and donating a few to your club tank. It is also a great way for your club to meet potential members that will see you at the swap!

The only thing we ask in return is one frag for our frag raffle. We will have people there to help with setup and take down. Please consider our offer, you will have a fun time!!!

If, you have any questions, you can pm or email me at: robchap@charter.net

To reserve a table please contact our treasure at: treasurer@nwreefsociety.com


P.S. The dead-line for registering in getting close! Please register your club or personal table(s) soon!!