Having issues with 6100 and AquaSurf


New member
Hi, I have a Tunze 6100 with 7240.27 driver. The 6100 works fine and the manual speed control on the 7240.27 works as well. However, the AquaSurf is suppposed to get power through the DIN5 connection to the 7240.27 and it is not.

I'm not sure if there is no power coming through the DIN5 connection or if there is something wrong with the AquaSurf. Please let me know if there is something I can do to find/resolve the problem
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From reading previous threads I do not think Tunze can offer information for other controllers than their own. You may want to try contacting Neptune Systems.
I have only once seen a 7240.27 that did not put out power, this issue would more likely be the cable or the controller.
Ok, I got the volt meter out. On the DIN5 connection the only place I read voltage was the right most pin (looking straight at the connection) and it read 7.3 volts.
Yes, that is correct, you should get about 8V from just one pin, only 3 do anything, one is power in, one is power out and the other is a neutral.
The guy from Neptune System that I am talking to says that 7.3 could be on the edge of working or not working. However, the volt meter could be off some, it's just a cheap one. The only thing I can think of to test next is to find someone else with a tunze pump and see if it will powerup my aquasurf.
I was just recently able to revisit this issue and came up with another question.

I noticed on the 7240.27 driver the sticker lists some transformer and controller numbers. I was curious if these numbers were related at all? Ie: In order to use my pump with a 7095 controller do I need to have the corresponding transformer listed on the sticker? If so, that would be my problem because I have the transformer listed next to the 7091 controller. (Some of these part numbers may be off, I don't have the driver in front of me at the moment)
No, there is no correlation. The listed controllers can work with any of the listed transformers.