having trouble settng up AC3 pro


New member
I'm using an act pro to control very basic functions (daylights, blue lights, filter pump, jebao wp10 powerhead, and heater).

After reading through the manual I reset the ac3 and then deleted all default timer programs I wasn't using.

Under names this is what I have

Night light = LT1-A01
Day light = LT1-A02
Filter pump = PM1-A03
Jebao wp10 = PM2-A04
Heater = HET-AO5

Under timer programs this is what I have

If Sun 000/000 then LT1 on
If Sun 020/-020 then LT2 on
If Time > 00:00 then PM1 on
If Sun 030/-030 then PM2 on
If temp < RT-0.4 then HET on
If Temp > RT +0.0 then HET off
If FeedA 000 then PM1 off
If FeedA 000 then PM2 off
If Time > 00:00 then ALM off
If Temp < 75.0 then ALM on
If Temp > 78.0 then ALM on

After programming I went to plug everything in and only the return pump (PM1) is running.

I went to manual control and set each to ON, and still only PM1 is running. The DC8 display a solid green light.

Only thing I think may be wrong is the address is not matching between the dc8 and the ac3.

I didn't understand the instructions in manual on how to check/setup the outlet address. I assumed that LT-A01 meant that I should plug light 1 into outlet 1 on the dc8.

If anyone can offer some insight into where I went wrong I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!
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So after some searching , I found the physical switches on the DC8 and the are all in the up position. So it should respond to A1-A8 address commands on the ac3, but they don't. Does this mean one of the two are no longer working?

I find it odd that pump one is the only thing on and nothing responds to manual override controls. Even if I try to manually turn on something currently off or try to turn pump 1 off since it's running.
Update in case anyone else ran into this problem.

After resetting everything, disconnecting all cords, and re-connecting all cords I was able to get outlets 4-8 working. Outlets 1 and 2 are stuck off and outlet 3 is stuck on. Outlets 1-3 do not respond to manual control or programmed control but outlets 4-8 respond to both.

Is this a common problem with older dc8's?