Headed to Miami to pu tank looking for zoas/palys


New member
I will be in Miami tomorrow Sunday to pick up a new tank and wanted to check out a cpl stores. I'm driving in from Tampa area and will only have a cpl hours to check out some stores. I've seen in past threads that there are a few good shops fairly close to one another but can't find thread. I'm primarily looking for zoas/palys. picking tank up near UM. Also if anyone in area has a good variety of z/p they are looking to sell please let me know.
joshporkfish...... for an insane amount of zoas/paly I don't have any contact information for him unfortunately
Yea being able to check out jps collection would be sweet.maybe he can autograph my copy of reef with the write up on him. Lol.
joshporksandwich is his online name this is his instagram http://instagram.com/joshporksandwich. You might want to visit Cornbred, he lives in Broward http://www.ebay.com/bhp/cornbred. Not sure your budget but he's got some amazing livestock http://cornbredcorals.myshopify.com/.

Strictly Fish and Ocean View Aquariums...there are 4 or 5 LFS all on Bird Road, these two are the best general stores. Aquariumart.com is also right off of bird and 74th, they have a buttload of coral too http://stores.ebay.com/AquariumArt-Online-Store?_rdc=1

Lots of folks up in Hialeah too, check miami.craigslist.com