heads up on blue paly's ;)


Active member
i just placed my order on reefscavengers.com for the blue paly's...5+ polyps for like $22-23 including shipping...ive ordered from them in the past (a few times) and have been really happy with them... ive even got sum blue zoos from them before ...just a heads up ;)
lol i musta got the last one :p sry ... they had them last week but sold out too fast before i could order so i emailed the guy n said to let me kno when he gets them back in...i had an email today from him and placed my order , so i guess keep checking back with them.... like i said ive gotten blue zoos from them in the past (not tubs but still blue) ive also ordered snails, rics, and all differant kinds of zoos and would definitly recomend them...u should bookmark them and check back from time to time
Oh John, I am so sorry. I was faster than you yet again!!!:lol:
I had previously already typed in that I wanted 3 batches of the palys and then I asked about the code When I saw you had posted that they were sold out, I hurried up and finished putting in my shipping and other info and kept my fingers crossed. Luckily I was sent a comfirmation notice. Cant wait to see them.
I would like to see what they look like when you get them... they have a pic of the whole colony, but alot can happen between fragging and curing, and supposebly new frags which could just be whole different colonies that came in on a delivery... wysiwyg I would prefer.

Nice find though, still a great deal.
-Mike C.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12302954#post12302954 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Lacy
Oh John, I am so sorry. I was faster than you yet again!!!:lol:
I had previously already typed in that I wanted 3 batches of the palys and then I asked about the code When I saw you had posted that they were sold out, I hurried up and finished putting in my shipping and other info and kept my fingers crossed. Luckily I was sent a comfirmation notice. Cant wait to see them.

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. :uzi: :mad2:


Well since you're getting a couple frags, maybe I could interest you in a trade of some blue zoas for some blue palys when they arrive?
PM me if you're interested.
Also I'd like to get another frag of the green polyps you collected when I see you again.
Hi John,
Thought that you would get a kick out of my comment. I really like your smiley icons. As they say a picture is worth a thousand words! hehehehe :rollface:
I have always wanted some blue zoos. Sounds like a good ideal to me. Also yes on the green ones.

I agree about the color issue. You never know what you will get if it is not a WYSIWYG. I would prefer a WYSIWYG, but I decided if I was not happy with the color, I could always sell or trade them. The price seems good enough. I prefer to buy from the lfs so that I can see what I am getting.

Thanks for the heads up.