Heater suggestions for 125 reef


Hi all,

Would appreciate some guidance and any suggestions anyone might have for heating options on a heater choice for a 125 gallon reef tank. Right now i think I have it narrowed to either the Aquatop Titanium Heater 400w or the Finnex Titanium 500w. I believe both have external controllers.

I initially was gunning for the Aquatop as it's a decent price at one of my LFS's. Found good reviews online. Then today a guy at a different LFS mentioned he has always had good experience with the Finnex and likes their design. Thing detracting me from it is the combo price of unit + probe is more than the Aquatop which I believe comes together. Also I have read lots of reviews of the Finnex leaking voltage into the tank. Definitely not looking for a jolt let alone frying my little fish friends...

Also open to any other ideas
Whatever you go with better to get 2 heaters instead of one. Like one 250w and another 250w. Really depends on temperature you keep house at will determine heater needs. The reason is if one fails wont cook tank and if one actually dont work still have a 250w supplying some heat. Most heaters though fail open.. If you get 2 heaters need a way to control temp so maybe an Apex controller which is a must anyway in my opinion.
I am a fan of the Finnex Titanium heaters I use a 300 watt unit with a Ranco controller, I also have a 120 gallon tank, sometimes I add a Eheim 250 watt for added support.
Do most of the controllers offer support to handle more than 1 kind of heater? Not very familiar with controllers at all. Also do you guys see much of an increase in temp when running 2 together as a backup? I guess what I mean is do you have to dial either unit back to avoid jacking the temp up. Or is that what the controller keeps track of?

I keep the house at 70. Or rather my wife does. I could get by with 67 or 68...
You simply set the heaters to just above your desired set point so they dont turn off before the controller tells them to and wire them all to the controller..
The controller is what turns them on and off.