Hello, getting back in after 13 years, thought I'd say hi

And of course I may have spoken too soon. I put a pistol shrimp / yellow watchman pair in. First three days YWG was doing some glass surfing and perching on the scraper magnets. Then he settled down on the sand for a bit. Overnight last night he vanished. I thought maybe he was hiding but I just fed the tank and didn’t spot him. I last saw the pistol shrimp yesterday. I have throughly checked the sump area, and all around the tank just in case he would have somehow found a way to get out of the lid, nothing.

I doing want to rip up the rock work either. The shrimp has started on a tunnel system right under the front most island rock which I could not have paid for better placement on that. But now I’m worried.

Everyone seems to be doing great other than that.
Looks great! My YWG will disappear for a few days on end (now that I think about it’s been about 4 days now). Should come out soon for food if it’s anything like mine.
I just caught a quick glimpse of the pistol shrimp pushing sand out of the hole again. He’s got to have a massive tunnel system already lol
Thank you! I’ve been working hard on it.

Here’s a night shot with an orange filter to make the Paly and Zoa color’s really pop. The mushrooms even pop. Unfortunately the Rainbow BTA has decided that his spot right now is in the middle back wall on the sand …. :/

Well no sign of the YWG, odd cause I remember even with my 120 back in the day I could usually find the body. The rainbow BTA has moved a couple times and is now looking really good on the rocks , just facing the back of course lol.

I suppose there’s a chance he could be I. The tunnels with the pistol but we’ve seen the pistol several times now and not the goby
Spoke too soon. I was looking in the “sump” area and happened to see some yellow out of the corner of my eye down by the return pump. Sure enough there he was! Got him back into the display and even got him to eat a little mysis
Little guy had quite the journey. He would have to have slipped between the overflow slats, surfed over the first chamber to the inTank box in the back. Got around the filter floss, thru the bag of bio balls, out the box, through the inTank Refiugum box with the Cheto in it, and finally under the slit to the return pump side.
I thought I posted it but maybe I didn’t.

Tanks doing well. My only issue so far is that the clown fish pair bullied the green chromis and killed them.

So far they have left everything else alone.