
*Taping your card to my tank asap...*

"Go big or go home." It's my mind set at the moment. I'm just getting into this but I'm diving head first... Hope I don't hit bottom and jack up this tank like I did my freshwater. :P

I didn't know much about aquariums when i did that, but now with a lil help from emo I'm self-educating online.
^^^^^ u will be fine... any question you have either ask me or ask on the site...everyone here is more then happy to help...aquariums for the most part are up to opinion and personal experiences.....what works for one wont work for the other and vice versa... take everything and formulate a game plan....

as far a making a "dream" list of fish....thats prolly the best thing to do..i did so as well ...not i didnt follow it exactly but i at least had a game plan..obviously the eel wasn't in the picture but that gives me an excuse to expand....you already have 2 fish in mind so think of maybe 2 or 3 more (depending on size, etc) and run it by everyone...look over the thatfishplace.com website and even saltwaterfish.com.... the options are unlimited..

cant wait to see these new lights...AND GET MY KORALIAS!!!
Ryan thinking about picking up "A Pocket Expert Guide to Marine Fishes: 500+ Essential-To-Know Aquarium Species" or "A PocketExpert Guide to Reef Aquarium Fishes" both by Scott W. Michael.

The other book I would highly recommend is "The Reef Aquarium: Science, Art, and Technology, Vol. 3" by Sprung and Delbeck

You can't go wrong with the advice from these three people. Don't just read posts on a forum from authors with as much experience as yourself or less, pick the brains of these experts starting by reading there books. We all waiste a lot of time reading in these forums so don't tell me you don't have time to read a book. If you don't have time for the reading you don't have time for the hobby. ;-)
