Help asap! Trouble need quick response!


Active member
Im such a idiot!
I noticed i had lower ph then i wanted 8.0 so i turned on the dosing pump to take it up to 8.2 but i forgot it was 8.8 when i remembered so i have been taking out water and putting in fresh RODI water ive done this two times now and the ph is down to 8.6 now should i keep doing this or what should i do im really concerned because this i have never done before will things be ok?
please respond quickly!
Just come down lol I would make up some salt water and lower the ph that way. Cause just putting fresh ro water will mess up your balances even more. Just take it slow large flux in your chemicals is bad for your tank.
Just come down lol I would make up some salt water and lower the ph that way. Cause just putting fresh ro water will mess up your balances even more. Just take it slow large flux in your chemicals is bad for your tank.
I heard that soda water will lower ph too.
and im freaking out because i have a clam and sps and i know they can die from ph swings like this i just dont want to loss anything.
yes just take it slow you can also add some vinager to bring it down but go slow as the swings can really harm or kill. Do this over a couple of days and you will be fine. You said already down to 8.6 in your post so 3 points above the max it should be is not going to be a big deal to lower that amount over the next day or so.