Help attaching ricordia

I am trying to get my ricordia to attach.

I tried superglue.
1 day later it slimes itself off

Today I tried a loose rubber band.
It seems to be holding fine.
But its mouth moves and lookes like it is trying to eat the rubber band.

I also noticed today that it has 2 mouths..
I took some plastic mesh and made a cylindar about 3 inches tall and 1 1/2 inch wide. I then took a small piece of rubble, put the ric on the rubble and loosely tied a few pieces of fishing line around the rock and ric. Put the rock/ric in the cylindar and let sit until it attaches.

This is what I did yesterday before I put the cylindar around it.
somtimes a few days sometimes a week or more. It all depends on the conditions.

Looks fine from the picture. You can also try using bridal vail from a fabric store.

Rics can't be glued unless they have rubble or sand under their foot already attached.