HELP can't get pump to pull liquid


New member
I just set up my new all in one unit and one of the pumps won't pull liquid. I can hear it working and I have let it run manually for well over 10 minutes and am nervous to burn it out if I keep trying.

Please tell me how to get this primed to function

thank you
OK you have the right side as intake and left side as output. You put the right side tube into your reservoir. manually run the pump to get the air out and draw water in.

If that is what your done there most be air being introduced into the line some how

Sorry not much help
yep did all that....the first pump worked liked a charm after a minute or so of holding the red button and I was able to complete the callibration....however the second pump I just can't get to take up the liquid. I have check the tubing and hooked and rehooked the tubes up a few times. Everything is exactly the same as the first pump.
Next thing would be to remove the white cover to make sure everything in there is in the correct place. Maybe compare the working one with the not working one?

As Jason says air is getting into the line, but you need to find out where

Switch peri pump 1 with the one not pumping, this comes off by squeezing the 3 small tabs on the side of the pump assy.

If the problem stays where it is then the hole is in the airline, if not and it moves then it will be internal.

Two options

1. Air hole from pinch peri pipe
2. motor turning on shaft due to a bit too much grease in manufacture.

Take peri pump apart (simple job you will see the little lugs to depress) and have a look inside. Make sure all looks well.

We can get a new peri tubing to you asap if it is proven to be pinched.
ok got it working last question, and its kinda silly, but how do I know its working? I have it set with 2 pumps...CA & ALK 10 times in 24 hours and 5ML each dose......I have yet to ever see or hear it on the times I have looked...are there set times this thing is scheduled to work?
you could put the output pipe in a small container and see if it gets the dossings.

what was the problem?
honestly no clue what the problem was in the end. I just took everything apart and back together and it worked like a charm lol