I've had my coral beauty in my QT for 2 weeks. He has been good until last night when I noticed his mouth wasn't right. His lips appeared white. His mouth was full of white stuff too. I did a Fw dip and some of the white stuff left. He's also pale in colour. I returned him to the qt and started a very tiny dose of prazi (I am really nervous about using medications and also had to add prime).
Should I give him the rest of the dose today? Does anyone know what this might be. Sometimes I think qt causes more stress and lowers immune systems more than it helps (especially for grazers)....
Please help, I don't want to lose him
Should I give him the rest of the dose today? Does anyone know what this might be. Sometimes I think qt causes more stress and lowers immune systems more than it helps (especially for grazers)....
Please help, I don't want to lose him