HELP!!! Dipping sponges???

Honestly, I have no idea if dipping a sponge is okay. I have also heard that allowing them to be exposed to air will kill them, but I have personally seen 4 or 5 that have been exposed to air and continued to live. Is there anyway that you could cut the sponge from the rock and just dip the zoas? I imagine that dipping the sponge would cause the cells to "OD", but don't really know. You could also try cutting off a small piece of the sponge and dipping it
The only thing I would dip it in is interceptor for redbugs. Just because some could have blown on it during bagging. Lugols doesn't really take any pests off of my zoanthids when I dip them. If anything it will help them with stress and is also done with LPS.


Sponges can be make contact w air for short periods of time and be ok, just when you reintroduce them to your tank you have to shake them and move them around to make sure oxygen does not stay stuck in the sponge, but for all that work, I'd rather they not touch air... lol. I dip my zoas & Rics in Rodi, thats all I know about dipping really...