Help! Everything is dying!


New member
hey guys!

I could use some advice on my 12 gallon nano cube. It has been running for about 3 months now, water parameters & temperature have been stable/pristine for some time now but I'm having a strange problem that neither I nor any of my LFS's can figure out.

The Tank:

- 12 Gallon JBJ Nano Cube Deluxe
- 20 lbs of live sand
- 10 lbs of fully cured live rock
- Euro Nano Skimmer (producing a decent amount of skimmate)
- Filtration media: Bio Rings & Activated Carbon
- Return Pump: MaxiJet 900 w/ retrofitted Hydor Flo
- Stock LED lighting
- Rid Volt for stray voltage

The Water:

Though I don't know the parameters off the top of my head, everything has been testing out perfect... pH, gH, kH, Alk, phos, with no trace of Ammonia, Nitrites, nitrates etc.

I've been doing weekly 25% water changes... the last two changes have been large 80% water changes... All of which I buy premixed RO/DI from the same LFS and I've been making sure the temperature and every parameter of the new water the same as what's in the tank. The water I buy at my LFS is the same water they use for their massive collection of healthy coral and livestock so I'm confident the water isn't the issue.

The Problem:

the first inhabitant was a lawnmower blenny, then i introduced a small stalk of xenia, a small ricordia, tiny frag of zoas, and lastly a green hairy mushroom coral.... I've also progressively introduced a CUC comprised of a fire shrimp, hermits, and snails...

EVERYTHING keeps dying off...

My xenia last a week and then melt away into oblivion... i tried introducing xenia on two separate occasions...

Ricordia was doing great and then shriveled away. Mushrooms coral melted away and disappeared.... and ALL of my inverts slowly died.

Oh, and i bought a small mandarin which never ate anything so its skin started to stick to its bones and then inevitably died 3 weeks later.

The only thing surviving is the lawnmower blenny and the weird thing is, he is the healthiest lawnmower blenny I've ever seen! If there was something in my water that was killing off every living creature, you would think the lawnmower blenny would've died off too or, at the very least, be sitting in a corner somewhere stressed out and and looking sick. Well, he prances around all day eating algae off the walls and sand and is ridiculously healthy.

No one can tell me what is wrong, and I'm afraid to buy any more corals or fish. what should i DO?!!! Water is perfect, tank parameters have been consistently stable, temperature is stable, water flow is good, lighting is perfect, no stray voltage, algae is under control... I'm defeated. PLEASE HELP
There really isn't enough information for anyone to help you. Actually, there is no useful information. We need to know the actual test numbers. Also, DO NOT TRUST water that you do not make and test yourself. Buy yourself some test kits and test yourself. You should also be master of your own water and not rely on someone else.

What are you using for top off water?

Oh, and pull out that rid volt contraption as you are much safer without it in your tank.
also a 25 % water change is a big one 80 percent should never been done once a week, unless there is a disaster, 3rd lawnmower blennie would never make it in a 12 gallon nano cube . so stop trusting your lfs advice, he isnt giving you the best advice
One mistake i can point out is the mandy was doomed from the start in a tank that size. My other suggestion with coral is lighting but i have no idea what the stock lighting is on that, we would need readings, salinity, alk, calcium, mag, all that good stuff as a start. IF the only thing to survive is the blenny, i'd be willing to bet that your salinity could be off, what are you using to measure it? Also, if its a refractometer, do you use calibration solution or ro/di water? if its the later your salinity could be off far enough to cause issues with the inverts and corals.
Hey guys, thanks for the quick replies!

My water parameters are as follows:

Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 0.2
Calcium - around 400
Alk - 9 dKH
Salinity - 1.024 (measured with ATC refractometer, Calibrated with RO/DI)
Magnesium - around 1300ppm
Phos - 0.1 to 0.2

I've been topping off the water with RO/DI water, and the water changes have been around 25% on average. the 80% water changes were done twice to change out as much of the water as I could after everything died. The lawnmower blenny is actually the only thing that is flourishing in the tank.

I bought the rid volt because the blenny started spazzing out and exhibiting seizure like movements every so often (as if it were being electrocuted)... so i thought i'd ground the tank with a grounding probe. After installing it, that stopped happening.

Also, i bought the mandy at an extremely small size. it was doing well but stopped eating for no apparent reason... it died from starvation.

As for the lighting, the spec sheet says each LED bulb is 1.3 watt and there are 2 white and 5 blue LEDs.

That's all the information i have for now. Let me know if you guys need any more info. We're having a really tough time figuring this out.

thanks in advance everyone!
What is the source and have you personally checked your top off water for TDS?

Best to get some solution to calibrate your refract. You might have salinity issue.

Sounds like the blenny may have been flashing. Ich perhaps? If it was electricity, you would be better off determining what it was that was causing the issue and replace it. Have you actually tested for voltage in your tank? Providing a direct short to ground with your probe is not a good idea IMO. I don't know why you would want to keep an apparently failed electrical component in the tank.

Mandarins don't stop eating for no apparent reason. It ran out of food and starved.

My bet is salinity at this point.
I could be wrong but that doesn't sound like enough lighting for coral. Also, if you are using ro/di for calibration and you are testing at 1.024, i'm willing to bet your actual salinity is way off and caused the coral issue. I had mine calibrated with ro/di before and it measured at 1.025, when i got the salinity calibration solution, it was showing the tank was at 1.022 and was what i believe was the cause of the slow decline of my coral a while back. After correcting the issue, i have some softies in the tank that seemed to perk right back up. I also put in two sps as a test to see if they would do the same as last time, but they had full pe the same day and are starting to show signs of growth.
your salinity is most likely off due to calibrating with ro/di but that's not your biggest problem....the lights are way deficient...1.3 watts X 7 = not nearly enough light.
Agree about salinity being off....get some calibration solution from BRS, it's pretty cheap. Additionally, your phosphates are a little high. Try growing some macroalge maybe?

It's tough to keep parameters in check in a small tank. I also agree that your lighting is likely not intense enough even for soft corals.

Honestly, I think that size tank is too small for the ideas that you have (such as the mandy). Why not upgrade to a 30 or 40 gallon tank? It'll make things much easier and you'll have more livestock options. If it's a financial thing then you may have to slow down and save up until you can get the things you want. Good luck!
Do NOT remove the grounding probe from the tank as suggested earlier. Why people think water and electricity is not a big deal is beyond me. You should also have your system on GFCI circuit. If you have leakage in your tank you need to take care of this!!! My guess is the Maxijet is the culprit as this is not uncommon. If you want to continue to use the Maxijet I suggest buying the Italian made Cobalt rather than the cheap Chinese made Marineland.