Help firmware transmition


New member
Hi i have started the firmware update following instructions in the manual and WIKI the data transfere is taking ages How long should it take it looks to be stuck at 25% ?????? when writing this 10mins still at 25%
Sounds like something wrong, did you follow the instructions ?. You must select the profilux instructions before updateing, by this I meen when the profilux screen shows do you want to upgrade firmware select yes before selecting yes on your computer.
yes followed everything to the letter but it started the download then stoped at 25% bugged but dont know why
now i cant communicate with the profilux
Try unpluging the profilux from mains, and reboot your computer as well. I had to do this for some reason when I updated a while ago.
Most likely you did not select ok to download on the ProfiLux before pressing OK on the pc. This is highly important


Press firmware update in software

select file

Software checks file

Message on screen comes up ok to download


Go to ProfiLux and scroll tab across to yes and press middle enter button

Now you can press OK on the software.

If your ProfiLux is now not connecting or repsonding, this also sounds like two things

1. You did everything as above correctly BUT you lost connection part way through download, this will corrupt the firmware.

2. You did not do as above and have corrupted the firmware

Conclusion. If not connecting you need to do a system recovery as explained in 10.8 of the manual.

if you have trouble doing this please ask your local dealer to do this for you.
i did all of above,it looks like i lost connection,
so now i have flashed it using 10.8 in the manual all goes as wriiten in the manual but when i reboot the profilus the screen shows a line of rectangles, and does not show the profilux start up screen.
Then some part of the proceedure has been missed.

You have put jumper on right peg?

If yes then you will need to ask your retailer to do it as you need physical support.

Sorry we can not do it for you here as we are in Canada ;)
yes it is on the correct peg, pegs 1 and 2 (moved black jumper from 3 and 4)and the software says the upload was correct as it shows in the book, i have flashed it with the latest firmware (not the beta) should i be uploading the firmware that was originaly installed?
Before doing anything else turn the ProfiLux off at the wall socket and then back on after 5 seconds, it may not have booted correctly.

You can not damage anything by trying again to reload ;)
Ok thank you, i have tried this (i allways turn off at socket end) i have telephoned the supplier in france but he did not said he could not help over the phone, and i should try the forum
so you confirm i am correct in moving the jumper from 3 and 4 to 1 and 2
and also its ok flashing with the new firmware?
i am sorry to bother you with this, thanks for the help
when i did this in the start (added the red jumper on 1and 2 with black jumper on 3 and 4 it says time out error No 003
i have done this again and i get the same error, what does the window mean when it says "please reset the microcontroler on userboard then press ok" in the book it says (a reset will have already been performed)
can you explain the reset? and timeout error
Thank you Michael and lorin for your help
looks like i sorted the problem myself with lots of help from you both.
the problem seems to be that my Profilux plus II was supplied with a jumper already across 3&4
i reflashed the profilux with the new firmware without any jumpers and rebooted without jumpers and everything worked fine
when this was done with combinations of jumper on 1&2 or 3&4 or 1&2 and 3&4 either the firmware uploaded but no reboot possible or it just gave a time out error when i tried to upload firmware......
personally i think the jumper fited to 3&4 at the original attempt at a firmware upgrade was what caused the original bug??????
thanks once again for all your help

I am not sure why this jumper was there, unless GHL are now adding jumpers to the profiLux's and storing them on 3-4.

I also am at a loss how the unit worked with no jumpers at all as the shorting of pins 1-2 are 100% required to flash the controller.

I will have to ask matthias about this on his return. But the good news is you are up and running ;)
well that then makes even less sense

My feeling is the upload was already done and rebooting it with the jumper still in place caused it not to boot (which it wont) so when you removed the jumper it then worked.

There is no other reason as the architecture of the unit has not changed at all.