Help Growing Mushrooms


New member
I can't seem to get my mushrooms to grow at all. I have green stripes, and some type of Rhodactis I have a 150w metal halide over my AP 24g and have moved them around but can't find a spot they like. help!:hmm6:
I find that my mushrooms do best when on vertical rock faces, although I do have a bunch of green mushrooms that are on a flat piece of rock sitting on the sand bed and they are growing very well. Mine like low flow regardless of where they are located so I have made sure to provide a break in circulation by carefully placing a piece of rock at the opposite end of the tank from the powerhead. It really has just been trial and error and often times the mushrooms will pick up and choose their own spots. This tells me that I probably have no more insight about placement than when I started, but I like to think I do. :p

Hope you find a spot that works.
ive put my blue shrooms and green shrooms on the ground by caves so they kinda have a choice. since im learning they move,even better they have a choice.
in my experience with mushrooms, they don't like pristine water. They also don't like high flow and must be acclimated to high light. As for growing, they won't grow right away, they need to be established for quite a long period of time, then they will suddenly take off when they are ready. I had red and blue mushrooms as well as a yuma that didn't multiply for almost a year, but then all of the sudden over a few short months they were everywhere.

If you are referring to growing size wise, try feeding them with something like rod's food or marine snow or something like that. Research it tho, because I'm not sure which one benefits them most.