help! hydnopora attacks


New member
Somehow my hydnopora developed the ability to walk half way across the tank and sit on my echinophyllia. This morning when I woke up it was just laying right on top of it with a mess of tentacles on top of the echinophyllia. I obviously moved the hydnopora off of it, and I cleaned up the tentacles as best as i could with tweezers.
Is there anything else I can do to reduce the tissue recession. Do i need a water change?
Which one should I frag? The echinophyllia or the Hydnophora?

Right now the hydnophora actually looks like it was damaged and the echinophyllia looks essentially unchanged.
I'm not as worried about losing the hydnopora as it is one of the frags I took off of my main hydnophora.

I'm only a bit over a month into this hobby so any input from you guys would be greatly appreciated.
one things for sure...I'd figure out how it got over there...and eliminate that from happening again. Could be crabs or fish? I've had damsels do that...crabs usually just knock stuff over...