help i got nudies!


Awesome Member
take a look. does anyone know if these nudies are bad. i found them in my fuge. so far i counted 6 and some egg that i think might be theres


Yeah those are them. Best way to go is to FW dip everything and then remove the eggs manually. Also, get a couple wrasses if you have enough space for them.
Yor best bet is to start a quarantine tank and isolate all your zoos from the main tank. I have had these little buggers survive a fifteen minute dip. Follow the instructions for dipping. I would do it every five days for at least a month to make sure you got them all especially if you miss the eggs on inspection. This is a PIA but if it's not done they will wipe out all zoos in your tank.
BTW the last pic looks like it definitely has some nudi eggs attached to the glass. This is why you should quarantine since inspection of the zoos alone will not get rid of all possible hiding spots for the eggs.
After searching last night for them I found tons of eggs on my zoas. The thing is they are in my fuge and I only had three colonys of zoas in there, one had closed up and was moved to my girlfriends nano, I found one egg group in there, and no nudis so far. One of the other ones where closed too and I found nudis on them and just removed the zoas from my tank, they were a small colony. So now I'm down to one, which I am keeping an eye on. Hopefully I'll be able to get all of them now since they are limited to what they can eat, we'll see.
unless you are having zoas die off/disappear you can't be sure what those guys eat. they do look a lot like the berghia nudis that eat aptasia as someone else had said.
please don't wait till you see pollyps disapearing get them out and dip as fast as you can. those things are terrible
I'm starting QT tonight, and we'll see what happens. Pulled out some more eggs but haven't seen any nudis yet. Hopefully I had just over looked those eggs. The only zoas that I have left in my fuge are completly open and are doing good, I know it's a bit hopefull, but maybe I caught them early enough. Either way the QT should take care of them, I'll update. Thanks for all the replies!